Posts Tagged ‘Van Jensen’

relicI just finished reading Green Lantern Annual #2, the conclusion to the “Lights Out” event, and became very infuriated when closing the back cover. I am a huge fan of the Green Lantern universe. I always answer, without hesitation, that Green Lantern is my favorite superhero. I have always been willing to debate why he is better than any other superhero out there. However, this issue is a perfect example of why I feel like I can’t recommend recent issues of any of the GL titles to people right now. When telling people how great it is, I have to tell people to go read storylines from a few years ago.

This issue, and overall event, had all the elements of what I can’t stand in most superhero comics right now. Nothing is really changed at the end. I know that not every story arc can be some huge universe changing event, but they shouldn’t be billed as such either. The preview for the book even said “Relic arrives on Oa as this massive story kicks off! Can the different Lantern Corps come together to stop this powerful enemy? Lights Out will see Lanterns die, others change allegiances—and nothing will be the same ever again! Trust us: We MEAN IT!” (more…)