Posts Tagged ‘Emma Swan’

Once upon a time

It’s sometimes funny the things that will sway an opinion, or another’s opinion that will wrap itself tightly in your brain, coming out after it seemed to have disappeared forever… I’ve been doing this with Once Upon A Time, and the season two finale had me, inadvertently, watching with an extra-critical eye. Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, the creators of OUAT, were also the creators of LOST, a show I was never a fan of. This information stays in my brain like an annoying fly that won’t leave the room. As I watch, fully enjoying the re-interpretation of old fairy tale characters and their associations, I wait for the ball to drop; when the pair will spin this show into something I don’t want it to be, albeit, I don’t even know what that means. Jane Espenson, a Hugo winner for Game of Thrones and Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, as consulting producer helps keep these conclusionary jumps at bay. In her I trust, so I continue to watch… (more…)